Sunday, August 8, 2010

Rockstar Recovery (Lemonade) Review

Todays review is on the other newest flavor of Rockstar, Rockstar Recovery. I really like lemonade and I love energy drinks. I can't wait to see how they did here.

The Look: Just like the Rockstar Cola, I think they really nailed it here. The black top with the red tab really stands out and the yellow can goes well with the flavor. On top of the new color scheme we get the traditional Rockstar logo on the front and nutritional information on the back.
(8.5/10) on packaging

Taste: Two things were possible with this drink. First off it could be a very fake tasting lemonade with bad chemical taste or secondly it could of been an awesome lemonade flavor. Luckily for me this turned out to be the second option. Aside from this being an energy drink it is one of the best lemonades I have had. They did great on the flavor here and managed to keep it very low carb and low calorie. This is probably one of my new favorite everyday drinks.
(9/10) on taste

Does It Works: After chugging this thing down (it really tasted that good), I got a great caffeine rush. I am pretty glad they didn't go with a 24 oz version of this because it tasted that good. I was filled with a good buzz that left me energized and in a pleasant mood until after lunch. I have not got a chance to test the recovery part of the formula but I will update this review once I do.
(7.5/10) on kick

Final Thoughts: They did great on this new drink. I am very impressed with the flavor plus it is available almost everywhere now. If you see one, I would highly suggest to grab this one. It has an awesome look, great taste, and above average kick. Keep up the good work Rockstar.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Monster Heavy Metal Review

Monster Energy Heavy Metal

Cost: $2.50 32oz

Taste: 4

Power: 9 (if you can actually manage to drink the whole thing)

The good stuff: Taurine, Caffeine, Ginseng, Guarana

So it’s a new Monster drink….and it’s a big ass one to boot. 32oz of Monster Energy goodness? Not quite.

Heavy Metal can best be described as a malt liquor that sucks….seriously. The first thought that came into my head was “This tastes like a crappy alcoholic beverage without any of the fun associated with drinking said crappy alcoholic beverage.” For Christ sake, even something as nasty as the Budweiser/ Clamato combo (yes, it’s a real drink you can buy in a can) at least has the pleasant side effect of getting your ass drunk….but not this stuff…hell no. It’s like a bad Zima (if you can picture Zima being worse) with none of the kick. Think limes…rotten limes with a cheap malt liquor aftertaste, a slight hint of the original Monster Energy, and you’re about on track. Nasty stuff man….really nasty stuff. To make matters worse, there are 32 freakin ounces of this crap. Yes, that’s right….I’m actually complaining about getting MORE for my money. I just can’t help it, I really despise this stuff.....32 ounces you freakin bastards...evil, evil bastards. It's like they new it wasn't going to sell so they said "We need a bigger can Bob....we gotta move this stuff out before it's to late!" Hell, this crap even looks kind of nasty. It’s like a milky fluorescent green…sort of like a Predator needing to be on dialysis took a piss in my can. So far the only redeeming quality is that it didn’t cost $5.00 and I won’t feel bad for not finishing it (though you know I will for the sake of the review.) The name “Heavy Metal” is not so much indicative of the taste being associated with music that rocks, but more of what’s behind the scenes of music that rocks. Think the sweat, dirty sticky floors, skanky chicks, a bit of vomit, overflowing trashcans, beer soaked tables, and wet cigarette butts. That’s what this crap reminds me of….nasty, dirty, unsexy Heavy Metal.

Power wise, you’re ok….if you drink the whole can. But that’s like saying I’ll make sure you stay alert by sawing off your leg with a rusty saw. The pain involved with getting the desired result is just not worth it. Plus, drink 2 16oz cans of anything else and you’ll have a bigger kick. Hell, grab 4 Red Bulls, 2 Sobe No Fears, or better yet, 2 16oz cans of Go Fast and have a stronger kick you actually enjoy getting to.

The bottom line here is that this stuff sucks….it needs to die a horrible death and be gone. Monster has much better choices on the market, so be smart and grab something else…ANYTHING else….you have been warned.

Monster Nitrous Anti Gravity

Whats up guys this is joe here getting ready to do a review on this new drink from monster, which is huge becasue monster is a huge energy drink company that rarely comes out with whole new lines of drinks, so im really exited to do this review.

Ok lets start with the appearance of the can. It looks really cool and i like everything about it. and even know theres alot going on, they blend it all really nicely, this can has some text on it, starting at the top it states that this can is the anti gravity series of the nitrous monster line, the next thing down is the signature monster symbol which is a little different on the nitrous cans it is turned to the right. The next piece of text down is the text that says Nitrous written in all caps and in a really cool font, the next thing down is monster energy, and the last thing on the can bottom left it states that the monster nitrous is a energy supplement, and to the right of that it says that the can is 12oz.

Ok so i just opened the can and the flavor is really cool. it kinda tastes like a grapefruit with more sugar, and before you even taste that sugary grapefruit taste, you get hit with that original monster taste. One thing that i dont like to is that it is to carbonated so every time you open the cap, it pops really loud, and it bubbles over which is a pain in the ass. There is also a hint of orange in it to, which makes in kind of tastes like orange crush. and they claim that they make the nitrous series with real nitrous, which might actually be true because i feel like i can smell it when i pop the top. Also its a little dry so i suggest serving this drink in a seperate cup with ice, so you get a little melted water in the drink, and that will make the drink last a little longer, since the nitrous cans are only 12oz.

The kick is really good, it lasted for about 4 to 5 hours which is really good, if you dont like drinking those little 5 hour energys, then buy acouple of the monster nitrous series, it makes you really jittery, and twitchy which is cool because that means if you would be burning energy then it would replace that energy your burning. and the container is not very big, only 12oz, so it packs a huge kick for how big the container is. And a little random but i would like to add this, the cap is resealable,which is really cool so you can put other liquids in the can after you drink all your monster. overall i like this drink alot and i would recomend this drink to anyone that like long lasting energy.

Kick: 9/10

Taste: 8/10

Overall: 8.5/10

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Monster Energy Kaos Review

Can Text:

Khaos Energy Juice comes to use straight from the makers of Monster, Monster Locarb, and Monster Assault. The can itself is so impressive, sporting a steel looking cover and that Monster logo that we all know. Originally created for pro athletes Khaos Energy Juice is 70% real juice.

Active Ingredients *Per can, not per serving:
2000mg taurine, 400mg ginseng, and 2500mg of their energy blend which consists of glucose, caffeine, l-carnitine, inositol, and malodextrin.

Angie's Review: Reviews posted after May 2007 are written by a guest reviewer referred to from this point forward as "The Stig".
In the past I've been pretty impressed with Monster products so I had high hopes for this product even though juice-like energy drinks just haven't sat very well will me. I only assume that the beverage is an orange flavored one because once again the label does not specify. I've had some trouble deciding whether I should shake juice-like energy drinks or not. This apparently is not one that is to be shaken.

Upon opening I was overwhelmed with nasty old juice aroma mixed with aluminum. Definitely not the best beginning... Fortunately the taste was not as bad as the smell that wafted out in the beginning, but it was really hard to place the flavor. There was a hint of the original Monster flavor but there was also a thick pineapple taste also. It was slightly carbonated, but that faded very fast, and as it slightly warmed, became thicker and thicker. Not that I'm one to just let an energy drink sit for a long time, but this one seemed to get warm and pasty exponentially faster than most.

It did give me a pretty good kick and I think it should because of the ingredients it contains. Though it wasn't extremely high in sugar it felt like it was on my teeth. The ingredients were very similar to the original Monster, except the sodium is surprising much lower in this one. This would be a much better choice for someone who appreciates the 70% of real juice.

Angie Energy Rating: 7
Angie Taste Rating: 4
Angie Value Rating: 6

Jason's Review:
With our stellar reviews of Monster Energy XXL and Monster Energy Lo-Carb, in sharp contrast to our dreadful reviews of Omega Energy and Rumba Energy Juice, this one was completely up in the air. Could Monster make an energy juice that didn't taste like spider monkey excrement? Sadly, no. This one is as riddled with Del Monte snack pack pineapple and aluminum mélange flavor as the other juice drinks. Maybe if this came in a bottle? I don't know, but it's rancid. I was reminded of my younger days, when I used to put quarters and nickels in my mouth (I wasn't the brightest child).

Anyway, so, we've established that juice from a can tastes like the can, much like how Michelina's microwave dinners all taste like the box in which they were cooked, but was it energizing? Firstly, it has an impressive lineup of vitamins, and otherwise appears to have about the same energizing blend as the other Monster drinks. All-in-all, good, but you have to suffer through a lot of the taste to get the same kick as one of the much tastier Monster drinks.

Monster Hitman Energy Shot Review

Monster Hitman Energy Shooter
Cost: $1.99 for 3 fl oz
Active ingredients: Vitamin B12, Taurine, Caffeine, Vitamin b6, Panax Ginseng, Energy Blend consisting of Guaranal, Glucuronolactone, Inositol, L-Carnitine, Glucose
Calories: Lobo- 5 per serving (1 serving per bottle)
Original- 30 per serving (1 serving per bottle)

Flavor- Original (Energy Supplement) Lobo (Dietary Supplement)

Rating: 8.5 out of 10

Monster has come out with their own version of energy shot called Monster Hitman Energy Shooters. It's possible with their faithful following it may do pretty well for them despite the fact of all the competition already established. First off the price for the size and the list of ingredients was great. Offering a larger shot for the same price as the competition around it is a definite plus. I've always been fond of the Monster flavor. Sometimes its borderline too sweet so before I tried the shooter I expected the sweetness to be amplified. The taste was good, Monster Hitman was not nearly as thick as I expected it to be. It had a bit of a medicinal aftertaste but none more then I usually anticipate. It IS packed with its 5000 mg Energy Blend. With only 6 grams of sugar and 30 calories it helps with the NO CRASH.

I gulped it down before work (replacing my usual ritual) and was pleasantly surprised to feel the kick. I've only started reviewing energy shots and the difference between them and energy drinks always catches me off guard. For a couple hours I noticed a boost, a little pep in my step you might say. I know my boss enjoys the enthusiasm. It made me want to get things done that I would usually dread or try to put off. The kick probably lasted me from 9:00 am to about 11:30am, so no problems here with its energy rating. It clearly gets the job done, and I must say there was no noticeable crash after it wore off.

Bottom Line- Monster Hitman was a pleasant surprise, their trademark taste was not too overdone in their shooter. The kick was in no way lacking. It stood out from the rest with its Monster logo that demands your attention. It could be one of the best bang for your buck. That might be something to think about if your not fond of Monster flavor.

Rockstar Energy Drink Review

Cost: $2.00 Available everywhere – Can purchase in bulk
Cost Per Ounce: $.013
Active Ingredients: Taurine, Guarana, Caffeine,
Taste Rating: 8.5
Kick Rating: 8.0
Final Judgment Rating: 8.8
Energy Drink Ratings Explained

Rockstar Energy Drink Review
I think I get the concept behind this drink. If you want to party like a Rock Star then you need to have a Rockstar Energy Drink before you do. Well celebrities and stars do like things in excess and Rockstar Energy Drink was the first company to feature the 16 ounce cans, double the conventional size of drinks like Red Bull. Well enough background b.s and onto the review.

Rockstar Energy Drink, 16 Ounce Can (Pack of 24)

Rockstar Energy Drink Review: Taste
I am sure many of you have tried Rockstar just like I have. It does not taste like all the other energy beverages per see, it is citrus based but it also has a kind of apple after taste. One thing it does lack is that conventional medicinal taste that a lot of the original drinks came with. Rockstar also added "Milk Thistle" which is supposed to help with hangovers. I tried it and I don't think it works. I did a Rock Star Bomb after every two beers, after I was done with my 12 pack of Budweiser I went to bed. Yup, I woke up with a hangover. That could have been because I was mixing beer and vodka, or it could be because I am getting old. Either way this drink tastes pretty good, with or without the alcohol. I will give it 8.5 out of 10.

Rockstar Energy Drink Review: Kick
Because this drink comes in 16 ounces it packs quite a bit of kick. It has 9.38 milligrams of caffeine per ounce. 16 ounces = about 150 mg of caffeine. When you compare that to other energy beverages like Red Bull 150 mg’s of caffeine equates to quite a substantial amount, but nothing over the top. I will give the Rockstar review for kick a satisfactory 8.0. Not the best, but not too shabby. It can give you a kick that should last around 4 hours.

Rockstar Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
Tastes pretty good, gives a decent kick and comes in 16 ounce cans and only costs about $2.00. When you put all of the satisfactory elements together into a cheap energy beverage like this it turns out to be well worth it. I would recommend buying this because you get a good tasting kick for the money. I will give it a final judgment of 8.8.

5 Hour Energy Orange Review

Cost: $2.49
Cost Per Ounce:$1.25
Active Ingredients:Caffeine, B-Vitamins, Taurine.....
Taste Rating:8.9
Kick Rating:9.5
Final Judgment Rating:9.5 (kick is worth it!)
Energy Drink Ratings Explained

5 Hour Orange Energy Drink Review:
So the last 5 Hour Energy Drink I reviewed was the new extra strength version. Now I have been a strong advocate of 5 Hour Energy for quite some time now (it is actually one of the few Energy Drinks that I will purchase on my own) which is why I can't believe that I never got around to reviewing the 5 Hour Orange flavor. It has actually been out for quiet some time. It has a very similar package to the 5-Hour Berry flavor, with the exception that is says Orange on the side and it is still in the convenient 2 ounce resealable shot container. So let's see if I like the taste of the new Orange 5 Hour as much as I liked the taste of the lemon lime one.

5 Hour Orange Energy Drink Review: Taste
Well the tagline that 5-Hour Energy Shot uses is probably one of the most memorable (at least in my opinion) - "Drink it in seconds, feel it in minutes, lasts for hours." The convenience of drinking it at room temperature or cold is also a favorite as is the portability factor. Anyways, does the orange flavor stack up as well as the previous flavors (berry, lemon lime)? Well in this reviewers opinion (pretty much the only one that matters!) the flavor was excellent. The mix seemed to be right on the mark. Gone is the old bitter taste that the very first 5 Hour Energy shots had. It is replaced by a very smooth and easy to drink non carbonated orange flavor. Sure, there is a slight aftertaste to it, but what do you expect from a shot that crams five hours of energy into 2 ounces? Anyways, the new flavor was well received by me. I still think the lemon lime flavor is my favorite, but I will also rotate the new orange flavor in once and awhile as well! Taste Rating - 8.9

5 Hour Orange Energy Drink Review: Kick
Before I even drank the orange 5-Hour Energy, I knew what to expect in the kick category. I mean, I have drank well over 100 of these by now, so.... But if you have not read the other reviews I guess I can sum it up for you. "Drink it in seconds, feel it in minutes, lasts for hours." Really, they are not lying. As I stated above, and in past reviews, 5 hour is one of the few drinks that I actually buy on my own (another one being Whey Up). The energy ingredients include caffeine(about as much as a cup of coffee), tons of b-vitamins, taurine and a bunch of other stuff (complete list of 5-Hour Energy Shot Ingredients). Kick Rating - 9.5

5 Hour Orange Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
I love the fact that 5-Hour continues to expand their product line up and improve on the taste of their product. They have 3 flavors currently available (lemon lime, original berry, orange) as well as a low caffeine and extra strength version. Don't take my word for it, try one for yourself. You can find them almost everywhere but it seems the cheapest place to buy them is online in bulk. I think they even sell it in cases of 36 now! Final Judgment - 9.5

5 Hour Energy Lemon Lime Review

Cost: $2.49 for 2 ounces
Cost Per Ounce: $1.25
Active Ingredients: Caffeine (mainly), B6, B12,
Taste Rating: 9.0
Kick Rating: 9.5
Final Judgment Rating: 9.6 - The Energy is Worth IT!
Energy Drink Ratings Explained

5 Hour Energy Drink - Lemon Lime Review
I stated in my review of the original 5 Hour Energy Drink, that these guys had an outstanding kick for a little 2 ounce energy shot. The only thing that they needed to work on was the fact that there was a slight medicinal aftertaste to the shot and that you had to give it a thorough shake before consuming. Even with those taste issues, the wild berry shot from Chaser was more than worth it. Well turns out they have unleashed a new lemon lime flavor! So get ready for the new 5 Hour Energy Drink lemon lime flavor because here comes the review!

5 Hour Energy Drink - Lemon Lime Review: Taste
As I stated above, the taste of the original berry flavor was not going to win any taste awards but it was still worth every penny. However, there is a vast improvement with the new lemon lime flavored Five Hour Energy Drink. The new lemon lime has a slight tart flavor but still managed to be quite sweet, kind of like home made lemonaide that has a stronger lemon taste than the store bought kind. Overall the Five Hour Lemon Lime Energy Drink will get an improved taste rating of 9.0. Well done with the new flavor!

5 Hour Energy Drink - Lemon Lime Review: Kick
Well the taste is better than the original berry flavor and it turns out they did not tamper with the energy formula for the new 5 Hour Lemon Lime either. The original Berry flavored beverage made it into my Top 10 Energy Drinks article and it also made #1 in my article of the Strongest Energy Drinks. Since they did not mess with the formula at all, the new lemon lime flavored 5 Hour Energy is also still one of the strongest drinks I have tried. You get all that punch packaged into a tiny 2 ounce shot. I will give the new lemon lime flavor the same score as I gave the original berry flavored beverage, a huge 9.5 - so get ready for that five hours of rush!

Chaser 5 Hour Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
The taste was improved and they did not tamper with the extremely strong energy formula. As I have stated several times through out this blog, the Five Hour Energy Drink remains my favorite. The addition of the new flavor only bolsters this feeling. If you want to buy the original berry flavor, or if you want to try out the new lemon lime flavor you can Buy It Here!To top it all off the price has been lowered! Final judgment a 9.6 - Still Worth It.

5 Hour Energy Extra Strength

Cost:$2.99 - Way Cheaper in Bulk
Cost Per Ounce:$1.50
Active Ingredients:Taurine, Caffeine, B-Vitamins
Taste Rating:8.5
Kick Rating:10!
Final Judgment Rating:9.7 (tons of energy!)
Energy Drink Ratings Explained

Extra Strength 5 Hour Energy Drink Review:
Well if you are reading this review you have probably already heard of one of my favorite Energy Drinks, that being the 5 Hour Energy Drink. Why is it one of my favorites? Well it packs an incredible kick into a tiny little 2 ounce portable bottle. So if it packs such a great kick, why are they introducing an extra strength 5 Hour Energy? Well since you see 5-Hour Energy at almost every convenience store / gas station you may have noticed the multitude of energy shots coming in promising 6,7 and even 8 hours of energy. Well I have tried some of these and the promises of 6,7 and 8 hours of energy are pretty much marketing hype. Nonetheless, they are out there which led Living Essentials, the makers of 5-Hour Energy to introduce and extra strength version of their product. So let's see how it compares to the original in the taste and kick categories!

Extra Strength 5 Hour Energy Drink Review: Taste
Well as you may recall, 5-Hour Energy Drinks come in two flavors, Berry (original) and Lemon Lime both of which are sugar free and only contain 4 calories. The extra strength 5 Hour tastes pretty much identical to the original berry flavor. Make sure you shake before drinking, it brings the berry taste and aroma out better. Taste Rating - 8.5

Extra Strength 5 Hour Energy Drink Review: Kick
Alright so the original berry taste is still in tact, but what's all this about extra strength? Well it looks like the energy blend was upped to 2000 mg from 1870 mg (see original Ingredient List Here). The order of the energy ingredient list was jumbled around a bit as well with taurine being moved to the 1st energy ingredient. Caffeine was moved from the last ingredient to the second to last ingredient as well. The niacin dose was upped from 30 milligrams to 40 milligrams as well. The B-Vitamin level remained the same with 40 milligrams of vitamin b-6 (2000% of your daily allowance) and 500mcg of vitamin b-12 (8333% of your daily allowance). So, does it pack more of a punch than the original? Well I gave the original a kick rating of 9.5 and there is definitely a bigger dose of energy in the extra strength version. It has been over Five Hours since I consumed the extra strength version and I am still pumped full of energy. So, in my experience the extra strength version definitely packs more of a punch than the original. Kick Rating - 10!

Extra Strength 5 Hour Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
So if you are a die hard 5-hour fan like me and you are looking for even more energy from them, give the extra strength version a try. The taste is the same and the kick is improved. In my opinion they didn't need to increase the strength of the drink to combat the new 6,7 and 8 hour energy shots as the original packs a great kick, but from a marketing stand point I can see why they did it. Besides, now they have a complete product line... 2 Original Flavors, Caffeine Free Version, and of course the extra strength version. So if you need even more energy than the original five hour, give the extra stength version a try. Final Judgment - 9.7 (tons of energy!)

If you like 5-Hour Energy, it is cheaper to buy it in bulk and the cheapest place I have seen it so far is on

5 Hour Energy Decaf (Citrus) Review

Cost: $2.99
Cost Per Ounce:$1.50
Active Ingredients:Caffeine (only 6mg's), B-Vitamins,
Taste Rating:8.8
Kick Rating:8.0
Final Judgment Rating:8.4
Energy Drink Ratings Explained

5 Hour Energy Drink - Decaf:
Well I have reviewed several of the 5 Hour Energy Drinks to date including, the original - both lemon and lime, as well as Extra Strength 5-Hour Energy. To date, this product lineup is one of my all time favorites out of any of the 300 + Energy Drinks that I have reviewed so far as the kick, portability and expectations of zero crash have been lifesavers on so many occasions. I was a little weary at first about the new 5-Hour Decaf, but then I remembered that caffeine is really not the only energy boosting ingredient in this Energy Shot. Besides, this is a review site, and there are countless people that have asked me for ways to get energy without a caffeine overload. So let's see if the 5-Hour Decaf can accomplish this!

5 Hour Energy Drink - Decaf: Taste
This little 2 ounce shot has zero carbs and only 4 calories and still manages to give a pretty good taste that is somewhat similar to the lemon lime version albeit with a more concentrated citrus taste. Oh yeah, did I mention there is is no medicinal taste whatsoever. The original tasted good, but removing the caffeine and some of the b-vitamins definitely helped improve the taste of the Decaf version. I bought it, gave it a little shake and then drank it at room temperature. The 2 ounces goes down quick and there was no complaints from this reviewer in the taste category. Taste Rating - 8.8

5 Hour Energy Drink - Decaf: Kick
The taste is slightly improved as some of the energy ingredients were removed, but how will this affect the kick? Well as I stated above, there is only 6 milligrams of caffeine in this shot (hence the Decaf label). The new Decaf blend also has a gentler blend of b-vitamins (niacin/b-3 removed) and amino acids when compared to the original. However, the addition of Choline, an essential nutrient to help improve information processing (brain food) is a nice touch. The other energy ingredients include: Glucuronolactone, N-Acetyl, L-Tyrosine, L-Phenylalanine, Taurine, and Malic Acid. It doesn't stop there. There is also a nice enzyme blend that consists of Protease, Lipase, Celluase, and Lactase. The kick was not as strong as the original or extra strength 5-Hour Energy, but you could definitely feel a nice little kick in the pants that I was more than pleased with. After all, not everyone in the world is looking for a huge rush of energy, some are just looking for a nice little pick me up which 5-Hour Decaf provides. I am more a fan of the original and extra strength versions, but if you are looking for a sustained boost of energy, are sensitive to caffeine, or avoid it for personal or medical reasons, than look no further. Kick Rating 8.0

5 Hour Energy Drink - Decaf: Final Judgment
I love it, the product line keeps getting more diverse! 5-Hour seems to have a little something for everyone now. Those looking for a little pick me up (Decaf), those looking for a big pick me up (original) and those energy junkies like me looking for the huge pick me up (extra strength)! When I need to cut back on my caffeine intake (yeah even I do that once in awhile) I think I will make this my new choice for staying alert. Final Judgment - 8.4

5 Hour Energy Grape Review

Cost: $2.99
Cost Per Ounce:$1.50
Active Ingredients:Caffeine, Taurine, B-Vitamins
Taste Rating:8.8
Kick Rating:9.5
Final Judgment Rating:9.4
Energy Drink Ratings Explained

5-Hour Energy - Grape Review:
Now I have reviewed all of the past 5-Hour Energy flavors, berry (original), orange, lemon lime as well as the extra strength and Decaf versions which is why I am extremely excited about the new 5-Hour Energy grape flavor.... oh and did I mention it is probably my favorite energy shot on the market. I take these tiny sugar free 2 ounce shots with me wherever I go...the gym, backpacking (watch out they freeze in the winter...yet still taste fine frozen), Euro Trips...etc To tell you the truth, I use them a lot and they are my go to shot of choice (that is when I am not reviewing another new Energy Drink for this site). But, I was a little disappointed when I didn't win the 5-Hour Energy Featured Fan Contest because it would have been nice to get a free one year supply of 5-Hour. Anyways, enough fluff, let's see how the new grape shot tastes and if it still has that great kick.

UpdateLooks like 5-Hour has two contests going on right now where you can win a free year's supply of 5-Hour Energy.
1) Maximize Your Energy Contest - offering two chances to win a year's supply of 5-Hour Energy.
2) Men's Fitness - Release Your Inner Superman - offering 3 chances to win a year's supply of 5-Hour Energy, including the featured fan contest which I am going to try for again!!!

5-Hour Energy - Grape Review: Taste
Although, 5-Hour has been innovative in the past and still continues to be the market leader in shots, it has been awhile since they came out with a new flavor. In the meantime several other energy shot brands have came out with grape flavored shots, giving me a good benchmark for the grape 5-Hour. Most of these shots in the past, had a grape kool aid flavor that tasted a little watered down topped off with a distinct medicinal aftertaste. Now taste is subjective, but to me, the 5-Hour Energy grape shot had a superb taste. The grape did not taste watered down and the medicinal aftertaste was far less prevalent. Don't get me wrong, there was a slight aftertaste, but that is usually expected when you cram a bunch of energy into a tiny two ounce shot. Taste Rating - 8.8

5-Hour Energy - Grape Review: Kick
Since I normally use energy shots during some sort of physical activity, I thought I would put 5-Hour to the test on the treadmill. Recently, I decided to train for a marathon. Now I am very active, but by no means am I a long distance runner and I usually cap my treadmill runs at about 5 miles, well short of the 26.2 required to finish a marathon. I know I have a long way to go, which is why I thought I would push myself today with the new grape 5-Hour. Since the Energy Ingredients are the same as the past flavors, I knew what to expect. A great kick that really helped boost my workout. Not only did it provide extra energy to help me run an extra two miles, but it also gave me the focus to do so because running on the treadmill is not my idea of fun, but it is more convenient than driving out to the nearest trail. Kick Rating 9.5

5-Hour Energy - Grape Review: Final Judgment
To sum up... glad they came out with a new flavor. Grape provide a great taste when compared to similar offerings by competitors along with the expected great kick. You can usually find these for $2.99, but you can get them at places like Wal-Mart for 2 for $5.00. Also, It looks like 5-Hour has a store where you can buy them in bulk for a little cheaper... and it is more convenient. I can't wait until the next flavor comes out! Final Judgment - 9.4

5 Hour Energy Berry Review

Cost: $2.99 for 2 ounces
Cost Per Ounce: $1.50
Active Ingredients: Caffeine (mainly), B6, B12, Taurine
Taste Rating: 8.5
Kick Rating: 9.5
Final Judgment Rating: 9.5 - The Energy is Worth IT!
Energy Drink Ratings Explained

5 Hour Energy Drink Review
These guys are going to corner the college market! First they give you the Chaser 5 Hour Energy drink so you have enough juice to go out and party all night, then to complement this they give you Chaser Plus Freedom from Hangovers so you don't get a hangover the next morning. What more could a college kid ask for, energy, booze and no headache? Well enough of that, onto the 5 Hour Energy Review.

5 Hour Energy Drink Review: Taste
This little two ounce bugger might not win a taste award but it is actually not too bad. This energy drink definitely tastes better than the comparable Rocket Shot Energy Drink. The good thing about this drink it is that it is only 2 ounces and it is in a nice berry flavor. If it was a 10 or 20 ounce drink I don’t think I could finish the whole thing. Again, a little warning. Before you slam this little bugger make sure you shake well, other wise you are going to get some flavor crystals in your last gulp. The Chaser 5 Hour Energy review for taste gets a good 8.5. After all it does taste better than the Rocket Shot Energy Drink. If you are not too fond of the berry flavor you can try out there new 5 Hour Lemon Lime flavor.

5 Hour Energy Drink Review: Kick
We established that the taste was not to bad, luckily for us the kick this little 2 ounce bugger gives off is tremendous. I would definitely say the claim of lasting for five hours is true. This is definitely on par, if not way better than the Bawls Energy that I reviewed earlier. In fact I would say that this energy drink gives off even more of a kick than the Bawls Drink. So a bigger kick in only 2 ounces! After saying that, The Chaser Five Hour Energy Drink review for kick gets a huge 9.5.

5 Hour Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
The taste was not the greatest but it was not to shabby either, but you only have to slam 2 ounces worth of berry flavor (or you can try the new lemon lime flavor as well). On the plus side the Five Hours of Energy that this little bugger gives off is huge. This has given me the most energy for the longest amount of time out of all the drinks I have tried so far. On top of that there was no energy crash! The bad thing about this drink is that it is $2.99, but buying in bulk does save you quite a bit of money. For the final judgment I would have to give the drink a high 9.5 because you get a huge kick in a little 2 ounce pack!

Check them out at 5 Hour Energy, you won't be disappointed!

Looks like they have an updated site! Same URL with some new additions. I especially liked the article on Siesta Syndrome. I am sure all of you business people can relate to this. I know I can.

Amp Traction Energy Drink Review

Cost Per Ounce:$0.13
Active Ingredients:Caffeine, Taurine, Guarana, Ginseng
Taste Rating:8.6
Kick Rating:8.7
Final Judgment Rating:8.7
Energy Drink Ratings Explained

Amp Traction Energy Drink Review:
Well I have almost completely reviewed all of the Energy Drinks that Amp has just released. I have one more of the new flavors to review after the Amp Traction review. The new flavors include ReLaunch, Elevate and Traction (which I am reviewing today). I am glad to see Amp continue to diversify their product lineup. I know I was pleased with the last Amp Energy Drink that I reviewed, so let's see if the new 16 ounce Traction makes the cut in the taste and kick categories.

Amp Traction Energy Drink Review: Taste
Well first off the new Traction Energy Drink from Amp tells comes in a grape 16 ounce can and says "charge of grape" right on it. So I pretty much knew what I was getting in to today when I gave it my first sip. It did have a nicely carbonated grape flavor, but it was not too sweet. It was actually very similar to the Loud Pomberry Zero that I tried awhile back. The only difference between the two is that Loud used artificial sweetners and Amp used sugar. Overall the grape flavor was pretty tasty. I would of liked a little more of a juice flavor, but hey taste is subjective. Taste Rating - 8.6

Amp Traction Energy Drink Review: Kick
Well the lightly carbonated grape flavor was not too bad, but will Amp gain "Traction" in the kick category? Well there is a laundry list of energy ingredients that includes (for two servings) 296 milligrams of taurine, 248 milligrams of guarana seed extract (natural caffeine), 160 milligrams of caffeine and 34 milligrams of Panax Ginseng Extract. All those ingredients definitely gave me quite a kick in the pants, the only bad thing was that there was a slight crash associated with it (58 grams of sugar). This could be alleviated by using a sugar free version. Even with the slight crash the energy was still bountifull. Kick Rating - 8.7

Amp Traction Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
A good taste and a good kick was provided by Amp Traction. As I stated in the opening paragraph, I am glad they continue to diversify their product lineup. Hopefully in the near future they release these 3 new flavors, Traction, Relaunch and Elevate (which I will review shortly) in sugar free versions as well. Where can you get them? Well you can get them pretty much anywhere. Final Judgment - 8.7

Amp Sugar Free Energy Drink Review

Cost Per Ounce:$0.13
Active Ingredients:Caffeine, Guarana
Taste Rating:8.5
Kick Rating:8.2
Final Judgment Rating:8.4
Energy Drink Ratings Explained

Amp Energy Drink - Sugar Free Review:
Well I have reviewed quite a few Energy Drinks so far and this will be my third review of the AMP Energy Drinks. A lot seems to have changed since I picked up this sugar free Amp Energy Drink, they got a major sponsor in Dale Earnhardt Jr. which has vastly increased the popularity of these drinks. As of right now they offer two flavors, AMP Original which is available in sugar free and Amp Overdrive. The drinks also come in several sizes including 8.3 oz, 16 ounce (Tall Boy) and 24 ounce. (Big Rig) cans. Today's review has me trying out the 16 ounce sugar free version of AMP which has only 10 calories. Let's see how it performs in the taste and kick categories.

Amp Energy Drink - Sugar Free Review: Taste
So how does it taste? Well it is almost identical to the original AMP Energy drink which tastes pretty similar to a Mountain Dew. It is not quite as sweet as the original, but sucralose used for sweetening (and to cut calories) keeps the taste pretty darn close. Now I have been a fan of Mountain Dew for a long time, even before Energy Drinks became popular. So if you like Mountain Dew you should be a fan of the sugar free AMP! Taste Rating - 8.5

Amp Energy Drink - Sugar Free Review: Kick
Well will this drink really get you Amped Up? Well the energy drink ingredient list includes (entire 16 ounce can) 142 milligrams of caffeine, 300 milligrams of Guarana Seed Extract (natural caffeine) as well as a hint of B-Vitamins. So the main ingredients seem to be caffeine and natural caffeine and they do the trick quite well, but AMP does fall short of some of the Strongest Energy Drinks on the market. Kick Rating - 8.2

Amp Energy Drink - Sugar Free Review: Final Judgment
I like the fact that a sugar free option is available and I like the taste. The kick is not bad, it does do the trick. It is also nice that you can pick one of these up pretty much anywhere, especially now that Dale Earnhardt Jr. is Amp's man! Final Judgment - 8.4

Amp Relaunch Energy Drink Review

Cost: $1.99
Cost Per Ounce:$0.13
Active Ingredients:Caffeine, Taurine, B-Vitamins, Guarana, Ginseng
Taste Rating:8.7
Kick Rating:8.7
Final Judgment Rating:8.7
Energy Drink Ratings Explained

Amp Energy Drink - ReLaunch Review:
Alright the Amp Energy Drinks lineup just got a lot fuller with the addition of 3 new Energy Drinks including; ReLaunch (which I am reviewing today), Elevate and Traction. This is in addition to the original, sugar free, and overdrive Amp Energy Drinks. It's nice to see Amp diversify, so let's dig in and see what's up with the new 16 ounce ReLaunch. So first off the new Relaunch tries to revive or rehydrate you with the addition of electrolytes. Second, let's see how it performs in the taste and kick categories!

Amp Energy Drink - ReLaunch Review: Taste
So overall the drink is Orange flavored (as you can probably tell from the Orange Can). There are quite a bit of vitamins present in this drink, but I have to say it really did not hamper the orange soda flavor at all. You could taste a hint of this, albeit it was a slight medicinal aftertaste. Generally, you could compare it to a Orange Sunkist as far as flavor. I liked it and I think it makes for a nice addition to the lineup. The electrolytes also offer a nice touch, they seem to offset the carbonation level and offer a more refreshing taste. Taste Rating - 8.7

Amp Energy Drink - ReLaunch Review: Kick
So will the new Amp ReLaunch provide the kick you are looking for? Well there is a nice list of your typical energy ingredients that include; 160 milligrams of caffeine, taurine (minimal amount), guarana, b-vitamins and ginseng which pretty much puts it on par with the rest of the mainstream energy drinks like Monster and Rockstar and is pretty much the same as the other Amp flavors available. I am not sure if you can buy the "Big Rig" 24 ounce cans of this yet, if anyone knows feel free to chime in below in the comments section. So yeah, to sum up, you get a pretty decent kick from the 16 ounce ReLaunch. Kick Rating 8.7

Amp Energy Drink - ReLaunch Review: Final Judgment
Nice crisp, yet refreshing Orange flavor coupled with a pretty decent kick and a helping of electrolytes. Makes the new ReLaunch a nice addition to the Amp Energy Line up. Stay tuned for the review of the two other new flavors Elevate and Traction. Final Judgment - 8.7

Amp Energy Juice (Orange) Review

Cost: $2.00
Cost Per Ounce:$0.17
Active Ingredients:Caffeine
Taste Rating:9.0
Kick Rating:8.5
Final Judgment Rating:8.8
Energy Drink Ratings Explained

AMP Energy Juice Review:
So it has been awhile since I have reviewed anything from the AMP Energy Drink lineup, maybe because they haven't released a new drink or been in the headlines for awhile. Well, outside of the Facebook app they got attention for anyways. Regardless, I received a care package from them recently that had two new 100% juice drinks. My first impression was that, WOW, AMP seems to be a little behind the game here when it comes to energy juices as they have been out for some time. Maybe because they were focusing on their morning java line? Who knows, maybe they had their reasons for waiting until now to release two new 12 ounce resealable Energy Juices. Let's see how they perform in the taste and kick tests.

AMP Energy Juice Review: Taste
So first off these 100% Energy Juice drinks come in two flavors orange and mixed berry. I know what some of you may be thinking... wow such original flavors (end sarcasm). However, I definitely agree with AMP's flavor selection as it seems they are going after the breakfast drink market... Especially with taglines like "AMP Energy Juice is the spark that ignites and kick-starts the day. Consider this your wake up call!" Anyways, as I said before there are two flavors. I will do both taste reviews here.

AMP - Orange: So this one is probably about the easiest drink I have ever had to describe the taste for... Have you ever had a glass of Orange Juice (no pulp)? Well if you have and you like it, then you should have no problem enjoying the new AMP Orange 100% energy juice. I mean, it tastes EXACTLY like orange juice. No, medicinal aftertaste WHATSOEVER. I loved it!

AMP - Mixed Berry: Now, this one may be a little harder to describe then the previous, but nonetheless I was more than happy with the initial taste. To me it seemed like a generic juice flavor that you would get at a Denny's or something. You know, that pitcher that has the mystery juice in it... I am no way implying that it's a bad thing, that is just what I am associating the taste with. Regardless it was again a good taste. I preferred the Orange, but to each their own.

Taste Rating - 9.0

AMP Energy Juice Review: Kick
So both flavors were superb, but will AMP Energy Juice actually get you going in the morning? Well the main energy ingredient seems to be caffeine, but there is no exact amount listed on the bottle and I could not find any information listed on their site either. However, if the new AMP juice's hold true to the other flavors then my guess is that there is roughly 80 milligrams of caffeine per 8 ounce serving or about 120 milligrams of caffeine per12 ounce bottle. This packs more bang than a Red Bull, but it is not one of the strongest drinks available on the market. Either way, I received an AMPle kick... Any more and I probably would have been to jittery and agitated for the morning commute. Kick Rating - 8.5

AMP Energy Juice Review: Final Judgment
So now I know I have an idea of why it took AMP so long to release a juice... They took their time to do it right! The taste was by far the best I have ever had for any kind of juice energy drink. So thank you AMP for waiting and releasing a great tasting alternative to a morning coffee. Final Judgment - 8.8

Amp Energy Elevate Review

Cost: $2.00
Cost Per Ounce:$0.13
Active Ingredients:Caffeine, Guarana, Ginseng, Taurine, L-Theanine
Taste Rating:8.9
Kick Rating:9.2
Final Judgment Rating:9.1
Energy Drink Ratings Explained

AMP Elevate Energy Drink Review:
Well this will be my sixth Amp Energy Drink Review that I have done sp far. The 16 ounce AMP Elevate is also the final new (for now at least) AMP Energy Drink to hit the market. The other ones are ReLaunch and Traction and they are all supposed to have an added function besides just providing energy. Elevate is supposed to provide enhanced focus. You can find them virtually everywhere, thanks to the growing population of the brand, which in large part might have something to do with the new sponsorship they have going with Dale Earnhardt Jr. and NASCAR, I mean that's a pretty freakin big fan base they tapped into.... Anyways, I am sure you are at least somewhat familiar with the Amp Lineup from Pepsi, so let's get straight to the taste and kick review of the new Amp Elevate.

AMP Elevate Energy Drink Review: Taste
Upon opening the 16 ounce blue can I get a hint of berry smell, which is a good thing since on the can it states it is mixed berry, and proceed to drink up. There was an array of mixed berry flavoring going on, but blueberry, at least in my opinion, seemed to stand out the most. I could also taste a hint of raspberry as well. The mix was actually very well done and was not too sweet. I think because AMP has a bit less sugar than the normal Energy Drink, although not by much. Taste Rating - 8.9

AMP Elevate Energy Drink Review: Kick
So the new flavor was pretty good tasting, but will it provide a decent kick and enhanced focus? Well the energy ingredients (for the entire 16 ounce can) include 160 milligrams of caffeine, 248 milligrams of guarana extract (natural caffeine), 296 milligrams of taurine, 34 milligrams of Panax Ginseg Extract and 24 milligrams of L-Theanine which was added to help focus. So yeah, the combination of those ingredients, especially the caffeine and guarana gave me a pretty large kick in the pants. Actually more than I was expecting from an AMP. How about the focus aspect? Well, it was kind of hard to judge while bouncing off the walls :). Kick Rating - 9.2

AMP Elevate Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
All in all, a nice addition to the lineup. The flavor and kick were both above average, the price is not too bad and you can find them pretty much everywhere. I see the AMP lineup gaining some ground on the Monster Energy Drink in the not to far off future. But hey, what do I know, I'm just a fanatic... Not like I tried a couple hundred different flavors! Final Judgment - 9.1

Amp Energy Original Review

Cost: $1.49 for 8.4 ounces
Cost Per Ounce: $0.18
Active Ingredients: taurine, ginseng, B-vitamins, guarana
Taste Rating: 8.5
Kick Rating: 8
Final Judgment Rating:8.5

Amp Energy Drink Review
Before I go out for thirsty Thursday I need to get some energy, after all it was a rough day sleeping in til 10:00 and getting up to go to class at 10:10, then taking a nap. Any way after that rough day I decided to go to the 7-11 and get an Amp energy drink. The Amp energy drink is made by the people that make Mountain Dew (Pepsi). The drink comes in a normal 8.4 ounce can. Well enough B.S and onto the Amp Energy Drink review of taste and kick.

**Update: This now comes in two more sizes. The 16 ounce tallboy and the mountain dew big rig energy drink which is a whopping 24 ounces. The big rig is one enormous beverage, if you can finish it in one sitting you got some bawls!

Amp Energy Drink Review: Taste
The 120 calorie, 8.4. ounce amp energy drink tastes eerily similar to Mountain Dew with a hint of green tea. Now I love Mountain Dew but the hint of green tea tastes odd at first. However, overall I would have to say that Amp energy drink tastes pretty good for an energy beverage. The green tea taste is not over powering but
it would taste a lot better without it. So I will give the Amp drink review for taste an 8.5 out of 10.

Amp Energy Drink Review: Kick
I was quite pleased with the effects that I experienced after chugging the average sized 8.2 ounce Amp energy. It has been three hours since I finished the drink and I have plenty of energy to go out and make it til bar close. I won’t be able to tell you exactly how long this drink lasts as things might get hazy before I realize
that I have ran out of juice. So I will give the Amp energy review for kick a solid 8. I might come back and change the score if I go home early tonight, but I would not count on it.

Amp Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
Tastes like Mountain Dew with a hint of green tea. The green tea does not leave a horrible aftertaste but it is noticeable. I am not going to be able to give the best review for kick as I will be going out for a couple (and by couple I mean 10-12) drinks. The initial kick I got from Amp was quite good and it has lasted for
about three hours but that is the extent of me filling you in on the kick it gives you. So for the final judgment I will give it a respectable 8.5, especially since it is about $0.50 cheaper than the average drink.

Feel free to chime in with how long you feel the kick from Amp lasts if you have tried it before.

Rockstar Energy Shot Review

Cost: $2.99
Cost Per Ounce:$1.20
Active Ingredients:Caffeine, Taurine, Guarana, B-Vitamins
Taste Rating:7.5
Kick Rating:9.5
Final Judgment Rating:8.0
Energy Drink Ratings Explained

Rockstar Energy Shot Review:
I recently did a review on Monster Hitman and in that post I noted how all the major Energy Drink Manufacturer's are finally adding energy shots to their lineup. Are these "market leaders" to late to the game, or are there enormous budgets and mass market appeal strong enough to take on current energy shot leaders 5-Hour Energy? I am far from an expert, well maybe not too far, but I believe that industry leaders have somewhat dropped the ball when it comes to the energy shot market. They have watched as shots like 5-Hour have grabbed substantial market share and have sat in the back of the class as countless other shots stepped up to the plate (and I do mean countless). So, will the new Rockstar Energy Shot fill the energy shot void for Rockstar? Well, there is only one way to find out... so enough blah blah blah and fluff, let's find out how this new Rockstar Energy Shot performs in the taste and kick tests!

Rockstar Energy Shot Review: Taste
Originally there was not much competition in the energy shots category, but over the past couple months I have not only been inundated with review requests for energy shots, I have also seen convenience store checkouts overflowing with choices of energy shots. Where am I going with this? Well since I have had the pleasure of trying quite a few shots lately, I have high expectations for Rockstar (as I did with Monster Hitman). They have had ample time to try out the competition and formulate a good shot... However, I don't think they spent enough time in R&D on the taste. The taste, at least to this reviewer, was along the lines of a prehistoric energy drink. The supposed "Wild Berry" flavor was ripe with medicinal tasting ingredients. So much so that I had to double check the bottle to figure out what flavor I was supposed to be drinking. I do realize that not only is taste subjective, but energy shots are usually sugar free, zero/low calorie, zero carb which means the flavor usually feels artificial. However, I have tried a number of recently launched energy shots that have had great tastes and I doubt they have as much money to spend on R&D as the Rockstar Energy Shot did. Again taste is subjective, so if you disagree with me I can take it. Taste Review - 7.5

Rockstar Energy Shot Review: Kick
So I wasn't pleased with the taste. But I had a strong feeling that I would enjoy the kick as there is bold wording right on the Rockstar Energy Shot proclaiming "200 milligrams of Caffeine." Now I have seen far more caffeine in energy drinks, but this is probably the most caffeine I have ever seen stuffed into an energy shot. So did this skinny little 2.5 ounce bugger do the trick? You bet it did. Not only is there 200 milligrams of caffeine, but there is also a strong energy blend containing 1000 milligrams of taurine, 50 milligrams of guarana seed extract, Panax Ginseng Extract and a whole bunch of B-Vitamins. They may have missed the ball on the taste research, but they definitely hit one out of the park in the energy kick category as this is definitely one of the strongest shots I have tried. Kick Rating - 9.5

Rockstar Energy Shot Review: Final Judgment
As you can tell I was not too impressed with the taste, but the kick was outstanding. This Rockstar Energy Shot is their first foray into the energy shot market, so I am sure we will see several other flavors come onto the market (maybe they will even come out with an alcoholic version?). If you disagree with my rating, feel free to flame me in the comments section below, it usually happens anyways. Final Judgment - 8.5

Monday, August 2, 2010

Original RedBull Energy Drink Review

First i would like to talk about the apperance of the redbull energy can, it looks great, they used like a splice look between chrome and a blue,it really is the best designed energy can ive ever seen. The text on the can: top left of the front can states, lighlty carbonated and right below it, it says serve chilled, which is good becasue warm redbull is not very good. But when its chilled its very good. in the middle of the can it says redbull in large red letters, and below this is the redbull symbol, and then directly below that it states that redbull is a energy drink. finally at the bottom of the can it says with taurine. vitalizes body and mind, that is all the text on the front of the can. My favorite part of the can that really makes it cool is on the part thatpops the top it has a bull cut out of the cap, it really adds a nice touch to the can.

the price is good but not great for the 8.4oz original redbull, the reason i say its not great is because 8.4oz is not alot of liquid and 1.99 is alot of money for a beverage. But most of the time when you buy a drink like monster or redbull, your paying for the name, kind of like gucci purses could slap an extra 100 dollars on a purse and it would still sell out, your paying for the brand. Overall the price is not very good compared to other energy drinks. RedBull can be purchased all over the world, even when you go on there site you can choose what country you live in, i think its because they sponsor different sports all over the world.

The taste of redbull is mediocre, The best thing i like about the redbull taste is after you swallow a sip of it, it feels like a mini shock is going through your cheeks, it feels really nice, and feels like it hydrates you, but really its dehydrates you really bad. Redbull does not have the best taste, and actually it doesnt have the best kick either, i think you need to have multiple redbulls at this size to get a good kick out of it to keep you up awhile, and alert.

the 8.4oz redbull original is actual not to bad for you the can is only 1 serving and it is all together 110 calories, 0g of fat, 100mg of sodium, 28g total carbs, 27 g of sugar and less than 1g of protein, Also redbull has alot of active ingredients which include, caffeine, taurine, b-vitamins and sugar. Without redbull the energy drink revoulotion most likely wouldnt have even started, redbull is known as the oeiginal energy drink.

Taste: 9/10

Kick: 7.5/10

Overall: 8/10

Power Trip (The extreme) Review

Hey everybody its joe here and im going to start doing energy drink reviews o this blog. so my first review will be of power trip.

First just looking at power trip, you can tell that it is probally going to pack quite a energy punch. But one thingi dont like about there can is that it looks like they tried way to hard to make the can look good. For example, it just looks like to much is going on, where on a differnet can such as redbull there are 2-3 things going on, like graphics and words, where on the power trip can there s about 7 different things going on, which i dont like.

the price was good, this specific drink was 2.75 all together with tax, which isnt bad considering most energy drinks are over 3 dollars. They give you alot for your buck to, so it looks, but really once you get the can in your hand and start observing it you relize that the can is not filled all the way, theres about a inch or so of just air no liquid, this is kind of like the arizona 99 cent iceteas, they have a really large can and dont fill it all the way, thats why you can drink them quickly.

Ok so i just opened the can and tasted the drink, it tastes alot like redbull which i like, even a little more sweeter, also the can is much bigger than a redbull can and is actually cheaper than the smallest redbull can size in my area. I would suggest if you like redbull and you cant keep paying the expensive price to keep drinking it, then you should certainly switch, and start drinking power trip.

this drink is not thirst quenching what so ever though so if your looking for a thirst quencher do not buy this drink, or drink it over ice, so the ice melts to water and it quenches your thirst a little bit. Th power trip company originated in florida and has been ding well, because i live in new york and it made it all the way here.

Taste: 9/10

Kick: 8/10

Overall: 8.5/10

Overall i think that power trip is a good energy drink, and is really great if you need something that tastes and has less of a boost. thanks and come back soon for my next review