Thursday, August 5, 2010

5 Hour Energy Lemon Lime Review

Cost: $2.49 for 2 ounces
Cost Per Ounce: $1.25
Active Ingredients: Caffeine (mainly), B6, B12,
Taste Rating: 9.0
Kick Rating: 9.5
Final Judgment Rating: 9.6 - The Energy is Worth IT!
Energy Drink Ratings Explained

5 Hour Energy Drink - Lemon Lime Review
I stated in my review of the original 5 Hour Energy Drink, that these guys had an outstanding kick for a little 2 ounce energy shot. The only thing that they needed to work on was the fact that there was a slight medicinal aftertaste to the shot and that you had to give it a thorough shake before consuming. Even with those taste issues, the wild berry shot from Chaser was more than worth it. Well turns out they have unleashed a new lemon lime flavor! So get ready for the new 5 Hour Energy Drink lemon lime flavor because here comes the review!

5 Hour Energy Drink - Lemon Lime Review: Taste
As I stated above, the taste of the original berry flavor was not going to win any taste awards but it was still worth every penny. However, there is a vast improvement with the new lemon lime flavored Five Hour Energy Drink. The new lemon lime has a slight tart flavor but still managed to be quite sweet, kind of like home made lemonaide that has a stronger lemon taste than the store bought kind. Overall the Five Hour Lemon Lime Energy Drink will get an improved taste rating of 9.0. Well done with the new flavor!

5 Hour Energy Drink - Lemon Lime Review: Kick
Well the taste is better than the original berry flavor and it turns out they did not tamper with the energy formula for the new 5 Hour Lemon Lime either. The original Berry flavored beverage made it into my Top 10 Energy Drinks article and it also made #1 in my article of the Strongest Energy Drinks. Since they did not mess with the formula at all, the new lemon lime flavored 5 Hour Energy is also still one of the strongest drinks I have tried. You get all that punch packaged into a tiny 2 ounce shot. I will give the new lemon lime flavor the same score as I gave the original berry flavored beverage, a huge 9.5 - so get ready for that five hours of rush!

Chaser 5 Hour Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
The taste was improved and they did not tamper with the extremely strong energy formula. As I have stated several times through out this blog, the Five Hour Energy Drink remains my favorite. The addition of the new flavor only bolsters this feeling. If you want to buy the original berry flavor, or if you want to try out the new lemon lime flavor you can Buy It Here!To top it all off the price has been lowered! Final judgment a 9.6 - Still Worth It.

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