Monday, August 2, 2010

Original RedBull Energy Drink Review

First i would like to talk about the apperance of the redbull energy can, it looks great, they used like a splice look between chrome and a blue,it really is the best designed energy can ive ever seen. The text on the can: top left of the front can states, lighlty carbonated and right below it, it says serve chilled, which is good becasue warm redbull is not very good. But when its chilled its very good. in the middle of the can it says redbull in large red letters, and below this is the redbull symbol, and then directly below that it states that redbull is a energy drink. finally at the bottom of the can it says with taurine. vitalizes body and mind, that is all the text on the front of the can. My favorite part of the can that really makes it cool is on the part thatpops the top it has a bull cut out of the cap, it really adds a nice touch to the can.

the price is good but not great for the 8.4oz original redbull, the reason i say its not great is because 8.4oz is not alot of liquid and 1.99 is alot of money for a beverage. But most of the time when you buy a drink like monster or redbull, your paying for the name, kind of like gucci purses could slap an extra 100 dollars on a purse and it would still sell out, your paying for the brand. Overall the price is not very good compared to other energy drinks. RedBull can be purchased all over the world, even when you go on there site you can choose what country you live in, i think its because they sponsor different sports all over the world.

The taste of redbull is mediocre, The best thing i like about the redbull taste is after you swallow a sip of it, it feels like a mini shock is going through your cheeks, it feels really nice, and feels like it hydrates you, but really its dehydrates you really bad. Redbull does not have the best taste, and actually it doesnt have the best kick either, i think you need to have multiple redbulls at this size to get a good kick out of it to keep you up awhile, and alert.

the 8.4oz redbull original is actual not to bad for you the can is only 1 serving and it is all together 110 calories, 0g of fat, 100mg of sodium, 28g total carbs, 27 g of sugar and less than 1g of protein, Also redbull has alot of active ingredients which include, caffeine, taurine, b-vitamins and sugar. Without redbull the energy drink revoulotion most likely wouldnt have even started, redbull is known as the oeiginal energy drink.

Taste: 9/10

Kick: 7.5/10

Overall: 8/10

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