Thursday, August 5, 2010

5 Hour Energy Berry Review

Cost: $2.99 for 2 ounces
Cost Per Ounce: $1.50
Active Ingredients: Caffeine (mainly), B6, B12, Taurine
Taste Rating: 8.5
Kick Rating: 9.5
Final Judgment Rating: 9.5 - The Energy is Worth IT!
Energy Drink Ratings Explained

5 Hour Energy Drink Review
These guys are going to corner the college market! First they give you the Chaser 5 Hour Energy drink so you have enough juice to go out and party all night, then to complement this they give you Chaser Plus Freedom from Hangovers so you don't get a hangover the next morning. What more could a college kid ask for, energy, booze and no headache? Well enough of that, onto the 5 Hour Energy Review.

5 Hour Energy Drink Review: Taste
This little two ounce bugger might not win a taste award but it is actually not too bad. This energy drink definitely tastes better than the comparable Rocket Shot Energy Drink. The good thing about this drink it is that it is only 2 ounces and it is in a nice berry flavor. If it was a 10 or 20 ounce drink I don’t think I could finish the whole thing. Again, a little warning. Before you slam this little bugger make sure you shake well, other wise you are going to get some flavor crystals in your last gulp. The Chaser 5 Hour Energy review for taste gets a good 8.5. After all it does taste better than the Rocket Shot Energy Drink. If you are not too fond of the berry flavor you can try out there new 5 Hour Lemon Lime flavor.

5 Hour Energy Drink Review: Kick
We established that the taste was not to bad, luckily for us the kick this little 2 ounce bugger gives off is tremendous. I would definitely say the claim of lasting for five hours is true. This is definitely on par, if not way better than the Bawls Energy that I reviewed earlier. In fact I would say that this energy drink gives off even more of a kick than the Bawls Drink. So a bigger kick in only 2 ounces! After saying that, The Chaser Five Hour Energy Drink review for kick gets a huge 9.5.

5 Hour Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
The taste was not the greatest but it was not to shabby either, but you only have to slam 2 ounces worth of berry flavor (or you can try the new lemon lime flavor as well). On the plus side the Five Hours of Energy that this little bugger gives off is huge. This has given me the most energy for the longest amount of time out of all the drinks I have tried so far. On top of that there was no energy crash! The bad thing about this drink is that it is $2.99, but buying in bulk does save you quite a bit of money. For the final judgment I would have to give the drink a high 9.5 because you get a huge kick in a little 2 ounce pack!

Check them out at 5 Hour Energy, you won't be disappointed!

Looks like they have an updated site! Same URL with some new additions. I especially liked the article on Siesta Syndrome. I am sure all of you business people can relate to this. I know I can.

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