Monday, August 2, 2010

Power Trip (The extreme) Review

Hey everybody its joe here and im going to start doing energy drink reviews o this blog. so my first review will be of power trip.

First just looking at power trip, you can tell that it is probally going to pack quite a energy punch. But one thingi dont like about there can is that it looks like they tried way to hard to make the can look good. For example, it just looks like to much is going on, where on a differnet can such as redbull there are 2-3 things going on, like graphics and words, where on the power trip can there s about 7 different things going on, which i dont like.

the price was good, this specific drink was 2.75 all together with tax, which isnt bad considering most energy drinks are over 3 dollars. They give you alot for your buck to, so it looks, but really once you get the can in your hand and start observing it you relize that the can is not filled all the way, theres about a inch or so of just air no liquid, this is kind of like the arizona 99 cent iceteas, they have a really large can and dont fill it all the way, thats why you can drink them quickly.

Ok so i just opened the can and tasted the drink, it tastes alot like redbull which i like, even a little more sweeter, also the can is much bigger than a redbull can and is actually cheaper than the smallest redbull can size in my area. I would suggest if you like redbull and you cant keep paying the expensive price to keep drinking it, then you should certainly switch, and start drinking power trip.

this drink is not thirst quenching what so ever though so if your looking for a thirst quencher do not buy this drink, or drink it over ice, so the ice melts to water and it quenches your thirst a little bit. Th power trip company originated in florida and has been ding well, because i live in new york and it made it all the way here.

Taste: 9/10

Kick: 8/10

Overall: 8.5/10

Overall i think that power trip is a good energy drink, and is really great if you need something that tastes and has less of a boost. thanks and come back soon for my next review

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