Thursday, August 5, 2010

5 Hour Energy Extra Strength

Cost:$2.99 - Way Cheaper in Bulk
Cost Per Ounce:$1.50
Active Ingredients:Taurine, Caffeine, B-Vitamins
Taste Rating:8.5
Kick Rating:10!
Final Judgment Rating:9.7 (tons of energy!)
Energy Drink Ratings Explained

Extra Strength 5 Hour Energy Drink Review:
Well if you are reading this review you have probably already heard of one of my favorite Energy Drinks, that being the 5 Hour Energy Drink. Why is it one of my favorites? Well it packs an incredible kick into a tiny little 2 ounce portable bottle. So if it packs such a great kick, why are they introducing an extra strength 5 Hour Energy? Well since you see 5-Hour Energy at almost every convenience store / gas station you may have noticed the multitude of energy shots coming in promising 6,7 and even 8 hours of energy. Well I have tried some of these and the promises of 6,7 and 8 hours of energy are pretty much marketing hype. Nonetheless, they are out there which led Living Essentials, the makers of 5-Hour Energy to introduce and extra strength version of their product. So let's see how it compares to the original in the taste and kick categories!

Extra Strength 5 Hour Energy Drink Review: Taste
Well as you may recall, 5-Hour Energy Drinks come in two flavors, Berry (original) and Lemon Lime both of which are sugar free and only contain 4 calories. The extra strength 5 Hour tastes pretty much identical to the original berry flavor. Make sure you shake before drinking, it brings the berry taste and aroma out better. Taste Rating - 8.5

Extra Strength 5 Hour Energy Drink Review: Kick
Alright so the original berry taste is still in tact, but what's all this about extra strength? Well it looks like the energy blend was upped to 2000 mg from 1870 mg (see original Ingredient List Here). The order of the energy ingredient list was jumbled around a bit as well with taurine being moved to the 1st energy ingredient. Caffeine was moved from the last ingredient to the second to last ingredient as well. The niacin dose was upped from 30 milligrams to 40 milligrams as well. The B-Vitamin level remained the same with 40 milligrams of vitamin b-6 (2000% of your daily allowance) and 500mcg of vitamin b-12 (8333% of your daily allowance). So, does it pack more of a punch than the original? Well I gave the original a kick rating of 9.5 and there is definitely a bigger dose of energy in the extra strength version. It has been over Five Hours since I consumed the extra strength version and I am still pumped full of energy. So, in my experience the extra strength version definitely packs more of a punch than the original. Kick Rating - 10!

Extra Strength 5 Hour Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
So if you are a die hard 5-hour fan like me and you are looking for even more energy from them, give the extra strength version a try. The taste is the same and the kick is improved. In my opinion they didn't need to increase the strength of the drink to combat the new 6,7 and 8 hour energy shots as the original packs a great kick, but from a marketing stand point I can see why they did it. Besides, now they have a complete product line... 2 Original Flavors, Caffeine Free Version, and of course the extra strength version. So if you need even more energy than the original five hour, give the extra stength version a try. Final Judgment - 9.7 (tons of energy!)

If you like 5-Hour Energy, it is cheaper to buy it in bulk and the cheapest place I have seen it so far is on

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