Thursday, August 5, 2010

Rockstar Energy Drink Review

Cost: $2.00 Available everywhere – Can purchase in bulk
Cost Per Ounce: $.013
Active Ingredients: Taurine, Guarana, Caffeine,
Taste Rating: 8.5
Kick Rating: 8.0
Final Judgment Rating: 8.8
Energy Drink Ratings Explained

Rockstar Energy Drink Review
I think I get the concept behind this drink. If you want to party like a Rock Star then you need to have a Rockstar Energy Drink before you do. Well celebrities and stars do like things in excess and Rockstar Energy Drink was the first company to feature the 16 ounce cans, double the conventional size of drinks like Red Bull. Well enough background b.s and onto the review.

Rockstar Energy Drink, 16 Ounce Can (Pack of 24)

Rockstar Energy Drink Review: Taste
I am sure many of you have tried Rockstar just like I have. It does not taste like all the other energy beverages per see, it is citrus based but it also has a kind of apple after taste. One thing it does lack is that conventional medicinal taste that a lot of the original drinks came with. Rockstar also added "Milk Thistle" which is supposed to help with hangovers. I tried it and I don't think it works. I did a Rock Star Bomb after every two beers, after I was done with my 12 pack of Budweiser I went to bed. Yup, I woke up with a hangover. That could have been because I was mixing beer and vodka, or it could be because I am getting old. Either way this drink tastes pretty good, with or without the alcohol. I will give it 8.5 out of 10.

Rockstar Energy Drink Review: Kick
Because this drink comes in 16 ounces it packs quite a bit of kick. It has 9.38 milligrams of caffeine per ounce. 16 ounces = about 150 mg of caffeine. When you compare that to other energy beverages like Red Bull 150 mg’s of caffeine equates to quite a substantial amount, but nothing over the top. I will give the Rockstar review for kick a satisfactory 8.0. Not the best, but not too shabby. It can give you a kick that should last around 4 hours.

Rockstar Energy Drink Review: Final Judgment
Tastes pretty good, gives a decent kick and comes in 16 ounce cans and only costs about $2.00. When you put all of the satisfactory elements together into a cheap energy beverage like this it turns out to be well worth it. I would recommend buying this because you get a good tasting kick for the money. I will give it a final judgment of 8.8.

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