Thursday, August 5, 2010

Monster Energy Kaos Review

Can Text:

Khaos Energy Juice comes to use straight from the makers of Monster, Monster Locarb, and Monster Assault. The can itself is so impressive, sporting a steel looking cover and that Monster logo that we all know. Originally created for pro athletes Khaos Energy Juice is 70% real juice.

Active Ingredients *Per can, not per serving:
2000mg taurine, 400mg ginseng, and 2500mg of their energy blend which consists of glucose, caffeine, l-carnitine, inositol, and malodextrin.

Angie's Review: Reviews posted after May 2007 are written by a guest reviewer referred to from this point forward as "The Stig".
In the past I've been pretty impressed with Monster products so I had high hopes for this product even though juice-like energy drinks just haven't sat very well will me. I only assume that the beverage is an orange flavored one because once again the label does not specify. I've had some trouble deciding whether I should shake juice-like energy drinks or not. This apparently is not one that is to be shaken.

Upon opening I was overwhelmed with nasty old juice aroma mixed with aluminum. Definitely not the best beginning... Fortunately the taste was not as bad as the smell that wafted out in the beginning, but it was really hard to place the flavor. There was a hint of the original Monster flavor but there was also a thick pineapple taste also. It was slightly carbonated, but that faded very fast, and as it slightly warmed, became thicker and thicker. Not that I'm one to just let an energy drink sit for a long time, but this one seemed to get warm and pasty exponentially faster than most.

It did give me a pretty good kick and I think it should because of the ingredients it contains. Though it wasn't extremely high in sugar it felt like it was on my teeth. The ingredients were very similar to the original Monster, except the sodium is surprising much lower in this one. This would be a much better choice for someone who appreciates the 70% of real juice.

Angie Energy Rating: 7
Angie Taste Rating: 4
Angie Value Rating: 6

Jason's Review:
With our stellar reviews of Monster Energy XXL and Monster Energy Lo-Carb, in sharp contrast to our dreadful reviews of Omega Energy and Rumba Energy Juice, this one was completely up in the air. Could Monster make an energy juice that didn't taste like spider monkey excrement? Sadly, no. This one is as riddled with Del Monte snack pack pineapple and aluminum mélange flavor as the other juice drinks. Maybe if this came in a bottle? I don't know, but it's rancid. I was reminded of my younger days, when I used to put quarters and nickels in my mouth (I wasn't the brightest child).

Anyway, so, we've established that juice from a can tastes like the can, much like how Michelina's microwave dinners all taste like the box in which they were cooked, but was it energizing? Firstly, it has an impressive lineup of vitamins, and otherwise appears to have about the same energizing blend as the other Monster drinks. All-in-all, good, but you have to suffer through a lot of the taste to get the same kick as one of the much tastier Monster drinks.

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